Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Promises Broken 2.0 in 2012

In 2008, Barack Obama promised "Hope and Change". Those are great words, but they have no specific meaning. We have lost "Hope", due the the "Change" in the fundamental direction of our Country. So, what was promised either directly or implied? First of all, Universal Healthcare was certainly said to be a priority. What we got was a "plan" that many have already dealt and schemed a way out of. We have received no new coverage for anyone, but have had the pleasure of already paying increased taxes for a plan who's future is not clear. Even Mister Obama has taken a few steps back from full support of the plan he championed. But deeper in his campaign rhetoric was the age old tradition of Democrat pandering to there highly fractured base. For African Americans, the thought of a "Black" President was a dream for way too long. It's unfortunate that most who view the Main Stream Media are unaware of how much support Herman Cain had from those who Chris Mathews and the other Non-Journalistic Hacks at MSNBC are so quick to label "Racists". It is also unfortunate that our public schools do not teach the true history of the Republican Party and it's longstanding history of fighting FOR civil rights. It would not be a stretch to say that there is a slight hint of racism in supporting a candidate just based on the color of skin. For most African Americans, Barack Obama is far from being "like" them. He has proven himself an unskilled, disconnected Ivy League "snob", who's values and dreams for this Country differ greatly from those who felt a connection to him in 2008. If the hope was that he would help bring the races together, the opposite has been true. It cannot be blamed on the President as much as it has been brought about by those who support, defend and "report" on him. The slur "Racist" is thrown in the direction of anyone who disagrees with his words, his policies and there outcome. Four years later, and the only thing African Americans have is higher unemployment. For the Gay Rights Crowd, Mr Obama waited over three years to throw them a bone. He supports gay marriage. And then...........nothing. As a President, there is not much he can do, or will do if re-elected. But for whatever reason, the Gay Rights movement has attached themselves to the Obama campaign and just can't let go. President Obama has nothing to give these folk, and the Republicans have nothing they can take away. A vote on the Issue of Gay Rights in a Presidential Election has little meaning for a persons future one way or the other. The only difference is that the Democrat Party chooses to pander, and the Gay Rights voters choose to except there empty promises. Four years later, and the Gay Rights voters are still waiting. When it comes to a woman's right to "choose", what else could they possibly want? It is perfectly legal, if a woman chooses, to hire someone to pull the limbs off of there unborn baby, and to crush it's head so that it can be removed with little discomfort to the "mother". Condoms are everywhere, Medicaid pays for birth control and services are not limited to those of legal age. Under Obamacare, which is the law of the land, an underage girl can choose sterilization without a parents permission. Of course if she goes on a school field trip, she will need a note from home. Four years later, and the slaughter continues with no end in sight. In a perfect world we would all vote for what is best for our Country, and not for a single issue that suits our own personal needs, desires and beliefs. The bottom line is that EVERYONE shares many common needs, including protecting our basic Constitutional Rights. We all need a good job, a safe community and the ability to choose our own destiny. We all need to regain our pride in our Country and in ourselves. We all need to put aside our own specific causes and work together before it's too late. It is almost too late already. Our National debt has already exceeded our Gross Domestic Product. That is never good. So for whatever reason anyone may have voted for Barack Obama in 2008, you must admit you didn't get the "change" you "hoped" for. What you did get was higher gas prices, higher unemployment, an unstable Middle East and a once great Nation on the brink of destruction. Bob Green bob@undergroundharddrive.com 09/04/2012

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